Can Barrull:

Can Barrull is an unique and completely reconstructed rural house which provide
you a
special accomodation, breakfast and other services in the really relaxing
village of
Sant Feliu de Boada (Girona, Spain).
The village is surrended by medieval towns and by amazing natural areas.
Feel free to recognise this fairy place and get in touch with us. =)
Hope, we can help you to make your vacation unforgettable.


Would you like get closer to the nature? 
Or are you interested on the nearest medieval towns?
What aboute short walks?

Guaded tours to pals or peratallada

The two-hour tour includes:
  • 2 x 25 min. walking (back and forth) 
  • 1 hour for visiting the most popular area of the town
  • Get in touch with us and try the guided walk this a beautiful environment
Medieval towns Pals & Peratallada


  • Guided walk at the Oliva Plantation
  • Essence of the nature and olive trees
  • Tasting unique Olive Productions
  • Short walk with presentations
  • How the oil is made?
About the route:
We invite you to try our thematic route and explore the real values of the nature, the responsible producing and the premium olive products
The tour includes a short walk around our evergreen plantation (with short presentations at each stations) and tasting the oliva products, too. 
Why we recommend this tour? 
You can take part in a calm walk tour at a beautiful nature area, leaving aside the nose of the life. At the same time you can recognise the sustainable producing of olives, and tasting those valuable products; Supplemented by activities, photo opportunities, beautiful views and guaranteed good mood.
Hope we will meet at one of our route


What else to do?

For more oportunities, or for tourist information of area click here: SURRENDINGS

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